Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 115

Hello Loves....

The seasons have turned and, while I have been silent for some time, transformation and growth are presenting themselves with each flip of the calendar page. During the past few months I have been forced to clean out some of the deeper corners of my soul (terrifying) and face myself. All things of unnecessary weight have been tossed off to the side and pursuits of fresh curiosity and clarity have been picked up. The result...a much more balanced, productive and inspired me!

During my online silence there has been nothing but noise in my life. I am mid-way through an intense yoga teacher's amazing. More on this when I figure out how to articulately express. My cohorts, Stephanie Booth and Shannon Narasimhan, and I officially launched the website for our dance company, check it out: The Umbrella Co. We have an excellent group of artists on board and are beginning to make a name for ourselves in the city. You can come see The Umbrella Co. perform live on 11/5 at the Amalgamate Artists Series in Harlem. You can also come see me perform with Heather N. Seagraves and dancers next Saturday, 10/29, as we take the stage as guest artists at the Amalgamate Dance Company season performance.
Woot! Busy days my friends, busy days.

Final notes for the day: Colin Dunne, the Irish Step dancing phenomenon, is just that...a phenomenon. I had the privilege of seeing him perform his solo show, "Out of Time," at the Baryshnikov Arts Center last Thursday. His ability to pay homage to an incredibly traditional dance form while bringing it into a contemporary light blew me also, strangely, helped me to blow away my current and unsatisfying relationship. Done. This Thursday I will be going to see Wayne Magregor and his company, Random Dance, perform at Montclair University. I've been looking forward to this show for months. Can. Not. Wait.

Ok my loves... I promise to report back much sooner this time! Please come check out my shows and let me know what's on your mind.

Much love,